- Registration opens Friday, October 5th.
- Registration closes Friday, October 19th.
- The swap is open to children ages 4-12.
- Each swap participant will be put into a group with other children who are the same age.
- There will be 6-8 children in each group. Note: if you are one of the last families to sign up, your child might have group that is smaller than 6 children.
- Your contact information will not be shared with anyone except the other members of your swap group.
- Some groups may have international participants. When you register for the swap, you're indicating that you're willing to pay the necessary postage to mail your ATCs, regardless of whether your group members are domestic or international.
- The mail date is Monday, November 5th. Please mail out your ATCs on that date.
- When making the ATCs, any medium can be used. Participants are encouraged to do their best work. Have fun & enjoy the process!
- The cap on this swap is 1,000 participants. If we get to that number, registration will close at that point.
- Very important: ATCs are 2.5"x3.5". Watercolor paper, bristol board, or illustration board may be used for the card.
To Register:
- To register, please send an email to this address: katcswap12 (at) gmail (dot) com
- In the subject line of your email, put your child's age. No extra information.
- In the content of your email, put your child's name and mailing address.
- Please compose a separate email for each child who will be participating. If you are signing up three children, please send three separate emails. Sorry for the trouble. This make sure no child's name slips through the cracks.
- If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to ellieandabbie (at) gmail (dot) com (or you can leave a comment on this post.)
This is how your registration email should look:
Email subject: 5
Email content: Joe Smith, 125 Maple Street, Anytown NY 12345
Other helpful links:
- Kid's ATC Swap 2012 blog buttons can be found here: KATCSwap12 Blog Buttons. Please help us spread the word about the swap. Special thanks to Angie Gubler of Blonde Designs for designing the blog buttons.
- Here's the 1st post about this year's swap: Kids' ATC Swap 2012. This post explains more about the general concept of an ATC Swap.
- Here are some ATCs my kids created back in 2009: 2009 KATC Swap.
- View additional examples of ATCs here: Kids' ATC Flickr Pool
- What is an Artist Trading Card?
I hope all of this year's swappers have a great time creating cards and receiving cards in the mail.
Have fun!