We had a wonderful time trick-or-treating last night.
This was the 5th or 6th year that we've trick-or-treated with the same friends. The tradition is: we get together at Michael & Shannon's house at about 5:30. Katie, Lane, & Kellen have joined us each year as well. We eat dinner together and then go to the front yard to take some pictures.
After that, we go through their neighborhood til the kids are too tired to walk another step.
Every year we have a blast together.
This year, our kids dressed up as:
Blastoise (a pokemon character)
Baby Buzz Lightyear
a Baby Carrot
Blastoise is a blue turtle-like creature. Hunter did a great job making the turtle shell out of cardboard and fabric. You can't really tell from these photos, but the turtle shell was stuffed. It poofed out a bit in the back.
I was in charge of the face.
Here are the before & after photos of the mask:
When I finished making the mask, all that came to my mind when I looked at the mask was the Duke Blue Devil mascot.
I texted Hunter a photo of the mask with the message: Please tell me this is good enough.
He texted back that it looks great. I appreciated the vote of confidence, but was really curious to know what Superboy would think.
When Superboy saw the finished product it he loved it, (whew!) so that settled that. Check the mask off my list.
Next we have our cute little baby carrot. The kids saw this idea in a magazine recently. (Family Fun, I think.) Pumpkin immediately loved it & decided that's what she wanted to do for her costume this year.
She picked out the fabric for the bib & the carrot at Hancocks. The rattle is an oversized prop rattle from Party City.
Last but not least, we had Baby Buzz.
Manzo already had some Buzz Lightyear pajamas, so we used that as the starting point. I wanted to avoid spending much on his costume, so I decided to make the wings myself. I used cardboard for the base. First, I spray painted it. Next, I pieced the design together with felt.
I wanted to come up with some cool straps to use when we put the wings on Baby Buzz, but I ran out of time and ended up using some shoelace type rope from the hardware store.
Under the Buzz Lightyear helmet, Manzo is wearing a purple do-rag. I bought the stretchy purple fabric with the original goal of sewing the little stretchy headpiece that Buzz wears. Time became an issue (yet again), so we went the very easy, no-sew route. Turns out Manzo looks really cute in a do-rag.
I had some store credit at the Disney store (leftover bonus points from when we took our Disney trip a few years ago), so I used that to buy the clear helmet. It has an adjustable fit, so I think Manzo will enjoy playing with it for years to come. It has cute little blinking lights across the front.
(btw, Hunter is dressed up as a deer hunter. He was going to campus later that night and decided to dress up since most of the students would be dressed up. He looked in his closet for a minute and said: "I know! I'll be a deer hunter." There you have it. Quick and easy.)
Here's the whole crew:
Ellie, you'll get a kick out of the fact that history is repeating itself.... Superboy & Pumpkin had one urgent request when we got back home after our fun evening: "Mommy, before we go to bed, can we please sort our candy???" They spread out all their loot in the family room and got busy putting every piece into the right category. Good times, good times.