Before I tell you more about our trip, I want to tell you about singing next to my Dad on Easter Sunday.
We went to Robert & Allison's church. It was a lovely morning.
We got there on time. (yay!)
All the children went happily to their classes/nurseries. (yay!)
We were all able to sing praises and be blessed by the Word preached. (yay!)
What a joy it is, each year, to worship my Savior and celebrate His triumph over the death, despair, and brokenness.
Light and Life to all He brings; Risen with Healing on His Wings
(Oops, that's actually a Christmas hymn---but honestly those were the first words that popped into my head just now when I was thinking about Easter. Ha!)
+ + + + +
One little treasured aspect of my Easter morning was getting to sing next to my dad.
I love my dad's voice. I love my mom's voice.
Because they each sang to me & rocked me throughout my childhood, I really think there is a deep connection between their voices and me.
Music is powerful. I believe it is one of the vehicles which passes love & security from one generation to the next.
Let's consider my dad's voice.
When I stand next to him in church and sing with him (which is only a couple of times a year b/c we live in different cities), it makes me happy. First of all, I can predict with nearly perfect accuracy when he is going to shift from the melody to the harmony. (He's a tenor.)
Also, when I sing hymns alongside my dad, I have a flood of memories wash over me. My love for my parents is intermingled with precious childhood memories, and most importantly with the deep gratitude I have for the Lord's faithfulness throughout all of my 35 years. In that moment, when my earthly father's voice is hitting my ear drums, and my own voice is lifting up praise to my Heavenly Father, I am so aware of the solid rock I am standing on, and the undeserved grace which I have recieved.
All those years of rocking and singing--it's as if somehow my dad's voice is hidden deep in my bone marrow. And my mom's voice, too. (Mom, yours is singing, "Morning Has Broken.")
I'm so grateful.
Thank you, Lord.
Here's a picture of me & my dad. This was taken last Saturday when all of us went out to a delicious lunch together. (Crab soup, crab dip, crab cakes, and Steamed Crab--yum.)
{posted by Abbie}