A note to my sisterr Allison before I publish this post:
I wrote this post last night (Monday night) and then saved it as a draft so I could finish it up today by adding one last photo (the one from the tv show). Thank you for your sweet comment on my 2011 recap post. I though it was so funny that you mentioned the blog name idea...when I had this post sitting as a draft, waiting to be published. Funny coincidence! xoxo -abb
(1) Blogging
Blogs are fun. I love having a blog. I've missed blogging in recent months. Hello, blogosphere.
(2) Facebook
Call me old-fashioned, but I really liked the nice linear quality of the old facebook wall. This new-fangled timeline nonsense is really bothering me. I tried to figure out a way to switch my account back to the "wall" format, but apparently that's not an option. Once a timeline, always a timeline.
(3) Keeping up with family members
To me, the best thing about any social media platform is the ability to keep up with family. And also good friends. I love the photos. Love the updates. Love reading the newsy updates.
(4) Twitter
I tried tweeting for a while. It's fine, I guess. However, twitter seems to be dominated by two main components: number one--comedians and other people who are trying to come up with fun and creative tweets. (which they do! There are a lot of very fun tweets out there, lemme tell ya.) number two--people or organizations who are trying to promote something. Promote a book. Promote a movie. Promote a website. Promote a ministry. Promote a blog. Promote a song. You name it, twitter can promote it.
Since twitter has not proven to be as effective in keeping me updated on my fam & friends (see #3 on this here list), it really isn't my favorite social media platform.
I'm sure there are ways to really utilize twitter to stay more informed (follow local news, local weather, national news, etc.), but I've found that I can stay informed just fine without it.
(How do you feel, dear reader? Have I missed something important in the twitter experience?)
(5) Nicknames on my blog
For whatever reason, I feel more comforable using nicknames for my kids on my blog. Makes me happy to keep their given names in the real flesh-and-blood world of reality.
I need a blog nickname for my baby. In an effort to come up with something, I''ve thought about what nicknames we use with him on a daily basis. The deal is, though, all of his real life nicknames incorporate his real name somehow or another.
SO: I am going to assign him a blog nickname that has nothing to do with what we call him in real life. It just happens to be a name that I like a lot.
Are you ready?
This nickname comes from my undying love for the Little House on the Prairie book series.
My very favorite Little House book is Farmer Boy.
And who is the main character? Almanzo Wilder.
And what do Almanzo's siblings call him? Manzo.
The first syllable rhymes with Ron. (as in Ronald)
By the way, if you don't recognize one of these chillins, you might like to know that she is my niece. One of her blog nicknames is Ebug.
Someday, when my little baby gets old enough, I'll read Farmer Boy to him. And together, we'll enjoy re-living all of Almanzo's adventures and escapades.
Going to school in the one-room schoolhouse.
Doing chores: milking the cows, feeding the livestock, cleaning the barn.
Making a bobsled with his father.
Growing a milk-fed pumpkin.
Eating the delicious feasts his mother prepares.
Filling the ice house.
Training his pair of oxen.
Wishing for a colt of his very own.
Photo credit: Little House on the Prairie Wiki, Almanzo Wilder
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One last thing which relates to my thoughts on blogging:
Several months ago, I enjoyed reading this post written by my friend Kate. As I was reading this post, I found myself thinking, "Yes! That's what I love about blogs, too."